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Journey in Modere

I started working with Modere in October of 2021 as a contracting UX Consultant from STG. In August of 2022 I was officially hired by Modere as their UX Manager. A lot has happened that I can't wait to share. I've worked on 20+ projects so far and I'm looking forward to more.


Here are a few to start.


Website replatforming project coming soon!

*Some projects are still in the works and remain confidential for now, so stay tuned for more!

SocR 2.0


  • Process Changes

    • Developers were not used to working with UX Designers.​

    • Previous strategies for producing designs were ineffective and needed to be rethought.

  • Conceptual Visualization

    • Translated the complex concepts that the company thought of into visuals.​

    • Necessary for productive conversations and thinking through workflows.

  • Editing Speed

    • Visuals needed to be made at a rapid pace due to developer confusion around requirements and a rapidly approaching deadline.​

    • Requirements were redefined daily and the designs needed to reflect them so that they could be more easily discussed.

Subscription Manager


  • Auto Delivery

    • Gained experience in designing an auto delivery system.

    • Created workflows to demonstrate the different routes customers can take to add items to their subscription.

  • Functionality Iteration 

    • Gained insights into what needed to be changed based on feedback from customers.

    • This was the next evolution of the website functionality after SocR 2.0.

  • Editing Speed

    • This was a very fast project that had a lot that needed to be researched, designed, and edited within a timeframe of three weeks.

Shopping Credits Applicator


  • User Feedback

    • Frequent users provided feedback that the shopping credits applicator in checkout was too complicated.

    • The responses were positive when the fixes were released to the live site.

  • Usability Upgrades

    • Lots of confusion around how many credits a user could apply to their order.

    • Many users got upset when they didn't see their total amount of credits on their account.

    • The info button for more explanation was not easily visible or recognizable.

  • Simplification

    • The process before the changes required 3 clicks + typing.

    • After the changes the process was reduced to 1 click with optional typing.

Country Selector


  • Research

    • Conducted best practice user research and competitive analysis.

  • Simplification

    • Opportunities to remove steps and complexity.

    • Unnecessarily confusing flow.

  • Accessibility

    • Between text size, drop downs, and language names not being displayed in their corresponding languages, there are many opportunities for accessibility improvement.


Accessible Color Palette


  • Accessibility

    • Utilized Adobe's contrast checker to document that common color combinations better adhere to the standards of Section 508 and WCAG.

    • Utilized Adobe's color blind simulator to ensure that the colors were sufficiently distinguishable from each other for better inclusivity.

  • Modernization

    • Modern UI practices shy away from excessive use of grey and make better use of black and others colors.

    • Utilizing more black and white would give the site a more minimalist feel.

    • Where grey is needed, add a color tint to complement the secondary color to add more interest and branding.

Design System


  • Iterations

    • The design system has had 5 different versions since 2020.

    • Efforts to finalize this rose with the need to refresh the visual design of the website.

  • Coordination

    • It needed to be updated, but the style needed to be debated cross-functionally with several teams.

    • There were many efforts to figure out what worked for the company.

    • There were also many time constraints as there were many other projects that needed to go out quickly, so feedback often came late and elements needed to be redone.

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