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Stone Depot Logo Custom Redesign

Along with their website, needed to create a logo for Stone Depot as well.


They did not have an official logo for their website or branding, they just used their company name in a red and black font.


July 2020 - August 2020

Overview and Constraints


While working on their website, I asked Stone Depot for their logo. They told me that they didn't have one, and the only thing close was their store sign.


I was only given a few days for this project, and even though I'd never made a logo before, my clients were eager to see what I'd come up with.




I took some time to research how to properly design a logo, and look up what my clients competitor's logos were like. 




Since I was short on time, I just added my favorite sketch into Adobe Illustrator to bring to life. I was originally only going to do the S and D, but I decided to make a custom logotype for the rest of the letters as well.

Screen Shot 2021-05-10 at 3.26.32 PM.png

Next Iteration


My client really enjoyed the original design I made, and decided to move forward with it. We played with several different color combinations together before we found the right one.

The Result


My client was excited to have their first official logo for their company. The simple vector image was just what they needed for their advertising alongside their newly restored website.

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